26.02.22 21:19, Waldvogel
Es ist leider wieder Krieg in Europa. Wie heißt denn alles auf Deutsch?

Germany to send 1,000 unspecified anti-tank weapons and 500 FIM-92 Stinger air defense missiles. Russia’s all-out invasion is a turning point in Germany’s long-standing opposition to providing Ukraine with lethal weaponry, said Olaf Scholtz, the German сhancellor.

Tank = Panzerwagen?
anti-tank weapons = ?
air defense missiles = Luftwehrraketen?
Molotov cocktails = ?
shelling = ?
machine guns = Maschinengewehre?
railway tracks = Eisenbahnlinien?
blow up = in die Luft sprengen?
armed forces = Heer, Wehrverbände, Wehrmacht?

Germany allows supplying weapons to Ukraine in major turnaround.The country has authorized the Netherlands to send Ukraine 400 rocket-propelled grenade launchers produced in Germany. Berlin has so far refused to greenlight weapon shipments. The reversal could mean a rapid increase in EU military assistance for Ukraine, as Estonia could finally send howitzers to Ukraine.

rocket-propelled grenade launchers = ?
howitzers = Haubitzer?
shoot down = ?
military aircraft = ?
hack = ?
cyberwar = ?
curfew = ?
international payment order system = ?
ICBM = ?
missile = Raket?
thermal power plant = Wärmekraftwerk?
evacuation = Ausräumen?
gas masks = Gasmasken?
counter-terrorism operation = ?
State Border Guard Service = ?
heavy armor columns = ?
paratroop assaults = ?
reconnaissance groups = ?
oil embargo = ?
electricity supply = Stromversorgung?
shelter = tilfluktsrom = ?
fighter aircraft = Kampfflugzeug?
helicopter = Hubschrauber
fuel echelon = ?
Air Force Command = Oberkommando der Luftwaffe?
military assistance = ?
artillery fire = ?

Es gibt mehrere berühmte deutsche Waffen, z.B. Luger und Schmeisser. Werden sie noch benutzt?

26.02.22 22:39, Heiko de
Versuche mich mit ein paar deutscen Begriffen:
Tank = Panzer
anti-tank weapons = Panzerfäuste?
air defense missiles = Luftabwehrraketen
Molotov cocktails = Molotov Cocktails
shelling = Beschuss?
machine guns = Maschinengewehre
railway tracks = Eisenbahnlinien
blow up = in die Luft sprengen
armed forces = Streitkräfte

26.02.22 22:49, Heiko de
Der entsprechende deutsche Artikel: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/waffenlieferung-ukraine-101.html

anti-tank weapons = Panzerabwehrwaffen

Danach etwas unsicherer:
curfew = Ausgangssperre
evacuation = Evakuierung
military assistance = militärische Unterstützung
paratroop assaults = Fallschirmjägerangriff
ICBM = Interkontinentalrakete

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